أحمــــــد سميــــر الجمل

أحمــــــد سميــــر الجمل

History of Pharaonic Egypt

Since tens of thousands of years was Asahrawan: West and East that surround the Valley of the Nile Amertin flora and fauna. And roam the two groups of people living a primitive life based primarily on the operations of "gathering" food from trees and hunting animals. When solving the era of drought and the disruption of the rain and the depletion of water sources forced humanitarian groups to flee to other sources of water and food. The closest to them and the Nile Valley .. The Egyptians first, they lived the life of various other processes based on the "food production" .. Fmarsoa "agriculture" and set up villages and towns along the course of the Nile. Cataract of the first to the swamps of the Delta, and thereby established the foundations of stable social life, and formed an independent kingdom in Upper Egypt and the Kingdom of stable in the Lower

In about 3200 BC. M out of King Mena King of Upper Egypt city of bend (near the city of Gerga in Sohag Governorate now) and the Standardization of Upper and Lower Egypt in one country make the capital city of Memphis (dead hostage in Giza Governorate now) and established the first royal family of thirty families which ruled Egypt throughout its history the old Pharaonic ... Historians have agreed to divide the history of Pharaonic Egypt to the ages and the families of ownership are summarized as follows: - M

Archaic period: from about 3200 BC. M to 2690 BC. M and includes

Family First

It consists of 8 kings were: Mina / Aha / Ledger / Jet / Damon / Adj Ip / Snmo / Qa

Second Dynasty:

It consists of 9 kings were: Canton These kings / Neb Ra / Ni Winter / Lounge / Cindy / Brayb age / Kha These kings / Dja Dja

Old Kingdom:

From about 2690 BC. M to 2180 BC. M defined this era as the era of the builders of the pyramids, and extends from the beginning of the Third Dynasty until the end of the Sixth Dynasty.

Third Dynasty:

It consists of 5 kings were: Djoser, "the owner of the Step Pyramid at Saqqara" / Sankht / Kha Pa / Ka Nefer / Hony

Fourth Dynasty:

It consists of 7 kings are: Bent / Khufu "the Great Pyramid in Giza / Jaddedv Ra / Khafre / Menkaure / Cbsskaf / Ghent Chaos.

Fifth Dynasty:

It consists of 9 kings were: Userkaf / Saho Ra / Navarre Air Kreet / Cbiska Ra / Ra Nefer F / Ne Osor Ra / Mancao Poplar / grandfather Ka Ra / Assisi / Unas.

Sixth Dynasty:

It consists of 5 kings were: Tete / USSR Ka Ra / Baby I / one more time that the Ra / Pepi II

Age of first move:

From about 2180 BC. M to 2060 BC. M. .. This era is characterized by deteriorating economic and social revolution against feudalism and against the government, although it has flourished in Ancient Egyptian Literature. This extends the era of the beginning of the seventh of the family until the end of the Eleventh Dynasty .. It consisted of the kings of these families is not known in Egyptian history leave little impact

Middle Kingdom:

From about 2060 BC. M to 1785 BC. M and consists of two families the eleventh and twelfth. This era is characterized by the re-unification of the provinces of the State and the economic prosperity and social stability.

Family-first session:

It consists of 8 kings were: Amenemhat I / Senusret I / Amenemhat II / IV Senusret / Senusret III / Amenemhat III / IV Amenemhat / Casting Neferure

Transition II era:

From about 1875 BC. M to 1580 BC. And includes Dynasties from the thirteenth to seventeenth .. There has been a mess and disorder after the occupation of God in use ** to Egypt for a period of 150 years ago .. In this era, Egypt was known for making the wheels of war and militarism flourished and Egypt prepared for the Eradication of God ** in use in the age of seventeen the family, which consisted of 4 kings are brave: Taa / Taa larger / Seqenenre / Kamose

New Kingdom (Empire era):

From about 1580 BC. M to 1085 BC. M. .. In this era of wars is a great development took place after the liberation of the country from the God ** in use and formed the Egyptian empire after opening the Palestine and Syrian areas as far south as the Fourth Cataract, Sudan .. Egypt and has lived most flourishing age of prosperity and wealth, and there was great progress in the arts, science and foreign trade, and built the grand temples of Luxor and Kalkrnk .. Egypt announced the oneness of God, in the reign of Akhenaten. It consists of this age from three families are

Family-eighth session:

Of 1580 BC. M to 1314 BC. M and consists of 14 property are: Ahmose I / Amenhotep I / Thutmose I / Thutmose II / Hatshepsut / Thutmose III / Amenhotep II / Thutmose IV / Amenhotep III / Akhenaten / the co Kreet / Tutankhamun / E / Hur or loving

Nineteenth Dynasty:

Of 1314 BC. M 1200 BC. M and consists of 11 are the king: Ramses I / Seti I / Ramses II / Merenptah / Amon Miss / moon Petah Sptah / Second City / Ramses Sptah / Stk Nakht / Ramses X / Ramesses the Eleventh


From 1200 BC. M to 1085 BC. M and consisting of 7 kings were: Ramses III / IV and / A / V and VI / VII / VIII / IX

Age of migrating III (Late Period):

Of 1085 BC. M to 332 BC. M

This starts with the beginning of the era of the family twenty-first session, and expire at the end of the thirty-first of the family. And it eroded the conditions of the country and separated the countries that once belonged to the empire, greed and the Libyans and Nubians Vgmwa Egypt for some time. As that occupied by the Persians conquered by Alexander the Great.

Twenty-first family:

Of 1085 BC. M to 950 BC. M and consisting of 7 kings are: Sondos / Harihor / Bsib Kno I / Bai Nzm I / Omnm Shepenwepet / Syamon / Bsib Kno II

Twenty-Second Dynasty:

Of 950 BC. M to 730 BC. M and consists of 9 kings of the Libyans are: first Chnq / Osorkon I / Taklot first / second Osorkon / Chnq II / Tlklot II / III Chnq / Pa Mai / Chnq IV

Twenty-Third Dynasty:

Of 817 BC. M to 730 BC. M and consists of 6 kings were: Paddy Bassett / Chnq / V Osorkon III / III Taklot / Omnrod / Osorkon IV

Dynasty XXIV:

Of 730 BC. M to 715 BC. M and consists of two kings: the pyramid of Ra / Buchris

Twenty-Fifth Dynasty: It consists of 5 of the Nubian kings were: Banky / nets / Spataka / Taharqa / Bacara

Twenty-Sixth Dynasty:

Of 663 BC. M to 525 BC. M and consists of 6 kings of the Egyptians, who ruled the country regained after the expulsion of the Nubians. In its age civilization flourished and foreign trade boomed. They are: first Psammetik / NCAA II / II Psammetik / IP Uah Ra / Ahmose Sanit / Psammetik III.

Twenty-seventh of the family:

Of 525 BC. M to 404 BC. M and consists of 5 kings of the Persians were: Kambiz / Dara I / Islands ** o I / was based t ** o / Dara II

Twenty-eighth of the family:

Of 404 BC. M to 398 BC. M and consists of a king of an Egyptian princess, who is seized power from the Persians

Twenty-ninth of the family:

Of 398 BC. M to 378 BC. M and consists of 4 kings are: Nayef Ao Word / abandonment / Bassamot / Nayef Ao received the second


Of 378 BC. M to 341 BC. M and consists of 3 kings were: first Nkinbu / grandfather drag / Nkinbu the second (which is another Egyptian pharaohs who ruled Egypt) g

Thirty-first of the family:

Of 341 BC. M to 332 BC. M and consists of 3 kings of the Persians, and they are: Artkzrss III / Arciss / Dara III.

When I saw the usefulness and comprehensiveness of those who do not know the date you transferred Pharaonic